Fatal Fury Characters - Giant Bomb (2025)

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    Fatal Fury Characters - Giant Bomb (11)

    Game » consists of 23 releases. Released Nov 25, 1991

    • Arcade
    • Neo Geo
    • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Genesis
    • + 11 more
    • Neo Geo CD
    • Wii Shop
    • PlayStation Network (PS3)
    • PlayStation 4
    • Xbox One
    • Nintendo Switch
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • PlayStation Network (PSP)
    • PlayStation Network (Vita)

    SNK's first fighting game and the first fighting game on the Neo Geo, telling the tale of a trio of martial artists participating in a local tournament to seek revenge on the crime boss that sponsors it.

    Short summary describing this game.


    • Andy Bogard Andy Bogard is Terry Bogard's younger brother and helped defeat Geese Howard in the Fatal Fury series.
    • Billy Kane Geese Howard's right-hand man.
    • Duck King Duck King is a character from the Fatal Fury and KOF series. He sports a badical Mohawk.
    • G-Mantle SNK's early male mascot. Makes super obscure cameos in some of their earlier games.
    • Geese Howard Geese Howard is a recurring antagonist in SNK titles, vexing characters in Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, The King of Fighters, and many crossovers.
    • Hwa Jai Joe Higashi's friend and rival in the Fatal Fury Series
    • Joe Higashi Joe Higashi is a character from the Fatal Fury and King Of Fighters universe that practices Muay Thai.
    • Michael Max The quintessential boxer in the Fatal Fury series
    • Raiden Australian wrestler from the Fatal Fury series, AKA Big Bear
    • Richard Meyer Brazilian fighter in Fatal Fury
    • Terry Bogard Terry Bogard is the male protagonist of the Fatal Fury series and SNK's mascot character. He is heavily featured in their company crossovers.
    • Tung Fu Rue A character from the Fatal Fury franchise. You wouldn't like to make to make him angry.

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    Fatal Fury Characters - Giant Bomb (24)

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      Fatal Fury Characters - Giant Bomb (2025)


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